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Interview with Fiona Vera-Gray, Author of The Right Amount of Panic

PLEASE NOTE: This episode includes some explicit language about public sexual harassment.

Public Sexual Harassment with Dr. Fiona Vera Gray & Emily May

This episode explores public sexual harassment and cat-calling, a.k.a. "wolf-whistling" in the UK, with Dr. Fiona Vera-Gray, a Research Fellow in the Durham Law School and author of the new book "The Right Amount of Panic: How Women Trade Freedom For Safety." Over the course of 5 years, Dr. Gray spoke to women in the UK about their experiences with public sexual harassment and collected these accounts in her book; we also examine the amount of how women put into simply avoiding sexual violence.


This episode also includes an interview with Emily May, the founder of the organization, Hollaback, who's mission is to stop public harassment through a global people-lead movement. 


And Dr. Sarah Myhre returns in this episode to recount her experiences with public sexual harassment and assaulted in the opening clip

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